JustPing App V1.1.35 Tutorial
(Note: Your version may be different)

1. Make sure all devices have GPS location service and mobile data turned on.

2. Do not put your phone in "Battery Saving" Mode which may disable GPS location service.

3. If "Data Saver" is turned on, JustPing App needs to be in the list of "Allow app while Data saver on". Otherwise, your family can not locate you.

4. You may not get a response when your family's phone is in Sleep/Doze Mode (e.g. sitting idle for more than an hour without being touched or moved).

Invite Family:
Use the invite code from your family to connect. Or create an invite code to share with all your family.

Configure JustPing App

JustPing App version, Privacy Policy, Get Started, Tutorial, FAQ, Tutorial Videos and Update/Review App

Map Type
Select Default or Hybrid mode

Ping to update all family members' locations

show past locations

Create, update or remove a GeoZone

1. Select a user in the user list to zoom in on this user's location.

2. Click on a user icon on the map to zoom in. Click on any other place on the map to zoom out.

3. Click on the info box above the user icon on the map will:

  • ask you if you want to create a GeoZone when a GeoZone is not defined yet
  • or show a list of past locations when a GeoZone is already defined

4. Select a row in the past location list to view that location on the map under the History tab.

5. GeoZones appear when zoomed in and disappeared when zoomed out. GeoZones can be added in the History tab.

Switch User:
Switch to show another user's location history

User Profile:
Update your family member list, individual user names and colors.


Sync GeoZones To:
Sync GeoZones to a family member's device

Get GeoZones From:
Get GeoZones from a family member's device

Map Type
Select Default or Hybrid mode

Ping to update this family member's location

show a list of past locations

Create, update or remove a GeoZone

Move to the previous past location on the map

Move to the next past location on the map

1. To add a GeoZone, on the History tab, click on any past location or POI (Points of Interest) on the map. Then click on the GeoZone button .

2. To select a POI (Points of Interest), it's easier to zoom in the map to maximum and click on the tip of the POI icon.

3. Click any place on the map and hold for 2 seconds to add or update a GeoZone with center set to where you pressed. Use this method to adjust the center of a GeoZone.

4. Select a row in the past location list to view that location on the map under the History tab.

GPS location refresh interval:
Time interval to get your GPS location. This value affects battery consumption.

Elapsed Time Before Reporting:
When to notify your family you have arrived at a new location and stay for more than the specified time

Show Past History:
How long history locations should be kept

Enable Notification Sound:
Enable sound for notification

Enable Voice Announcement:
Enable hands-free voice announcement for GeoZone entrance/exit alert. This feature is disabled automatically when you are not at home to protect your family's privacy

Reset to Defaults:
Reset all settings to default values

Sync App with Server:
Use this when you encounter connection issues

Remove Account:
Remove your account and personal data on our server